What standards and certifications should be considered when specifying a composite fire doorset?

At Bowater Doors, we believe in transparency with regards to the performance of fire doors and third party certifications. This page sets out why we chose to test to the BS EN 1634-1 standard and Bowater Doors is a member of the BM TRADA Q Mark scheme.
Why BS EN 1634-1?
BS EN 1634-1 is the latest BSI standard for fire resistance and smoke control and is accepted in Approved Document B, the fire safety element of the Building Regulations in England.
BS EN 1634-1 is a more demanding test in comparison to the old BS 476 standard. This is particularly in reference to the requirement to expose both sides of the door to the fire combined with the increased level of pressure and heat in the furnace.
We have authored a whitepaper that details the key differences between the tests.
Download White Paper Here

Why Choose Q-MARK Certifications?
BM TRADA is a UKAS accredited certification body that provides independent third party certification fire services for the manufacture, installation and maintenance of fire doors.
The Q Mark scheme aims to raise the ongoing standards throughout the lifetime of a fire door to ensure quality and fire resistant performance are consistent.
It also looks at the quality of the workmanship throughout the full lifecycle of the door from manufacture to maintenance.
Why Choose a Q Mark Fire Door Manufacturer?
Manufacturers signing up to Q Mark certifications are subjected to a rigorous testing and audit process. This is to ensure that they have documented product specifications, installation instructions and a factory production control system, all of which integrate into a Quality Management Scheme such as ISO 9001.
This initial audit is then followed by subsequent periodic checks to ensure that standards and quality are maintained consistently throughout the manufacturing process.
For reassurance and peace of mind, specifiers and buyers should look for Q mark accredited fire door manufacturers who have committed to improving the quality of fire doors with regular third party audits, ongoing test evidence, consistent quality and compliance.

Why Choose a Q-Mark Fire Door Installer?
A poorly installed fire door will not save lives. The installation of the doorset is equally as important as the stringent testing and manufacturing process. Manufacturers must supply fitting instructions for each fire doorset however they must be fitted correctly.
Bowater Doors recommend that the installer should be a member of the Q Mark fire door installation scheme to ensure compliance throughout the supply and installation of the product.
Q-Mark Fire Door Maintenance
Whilst it’s important that the person carrying out the maintenance is part of the Q-Mark certified team, low-maintenance composite fire doors offer the potential to reduce repair and replacement costs with minimal disruption to the occupants.
Fire doors require periodic maintenance to ensure that they continue to offer life-saving capabilities as promised by the manufacturer. Fire Doors cannot be a fit and forget solution and we all have a part to play in the identification of damaged or poorly maintained fire doors.
View our five step fire door safety check hereView our fire doors

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